18 septiembre 2012

Cover Reveal How To Marry an Alien— Magan Vernon

 Cover Reveal Hosted By: AToMR
Note: At the end of this post you can read the synopsis in Spanish! :D

 Expected publication: January 2 2013

Book description:

Alex’s interstellar relationship has finally been sealed in the eyes of the human world, so now she can move on to her next step: college. With Ace by her side and a new piece of jewelry on her finger, she thinks she is ready for anything. Well, almost anything.

Her new roommate holds a dangerous link to her past that Alex isn't sure if she can handle. Then there is the whole alien fiancé thing. Every time she tries to get closer to Ace, he seems to pull further away. Top that off with a full summer class load and a few more alien attacks and it’s just another day for Alex.

Except this time she isn’t sure if marrying an alien will be the happy ending she’s hoping for.

About the Author:

Self-proclaimed geek-to-glam poster child who channels her inner geek by writing science fiction for teens, even though she slept with a night light until she was in middle school for fear of alien attacks. She now lives with her husband, daughter, and dog in central Illinois where she still sleeps with a night light...just in case.

La relación interestelar de Alex por fin ha sido sellada ante los ojos del mundo humano, así que ahora puede avanzar hacia el segundo paso: La universidad. Con Ace a su lado y una nueva pieza de joyería en su dedo, piensa que esta lista para lo que sea. Bueno, casi todo.
Su nuevo compañero de cuarto mantiene una conexión con su pasado que Alex no está segura si puede manejarlo. Entonces esta toda esa cosa de su prometido alienígena. Cada vez que trata de acercarse a Ace, parece como si la alejara. Agrégale a eso todo un verano cargado de clases y unos cuantos ataques alienígenas,  y eso solo es un día más para Alex.
Solo que ahora no está segura si casarse con un alíen será el final feliz que ella espera.

1 comentario :

  1. genial :) se ve muy interesante y el titulo es llamativo.
    besos y gracias por la info ^^


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