18 noviembre 2012

Blog Tour Open Adoption, Open Heart: Guest Post by Russell Elkins


Hello and welcome to the stop of the blog tour Open Adoption, Open Heart hosted by I am a Reader Not a Writer. Today is my turn of participate in this tour, so enjoy the Guest Post!

 Title: Open Adoption, Open Heart. An Adoptive Father's Inspiring Journey
The world of adoption has changed dramatically over the past twenty years. No longer do biological parents have to say goodbye to their child forever. They now have more options when deciding the type of adoption to pursue, such as open adoption. Open adoption creates the opportunity for a special relationship between biological parents, the adoptive parents, and the child.

Open Adoption, Open Heart is an inspiring and true story, which takes the reader deeper into the feelings and emotions experienced by adoptive parents. As you read this incredible story, you will experience the joys, difficulties, and amazing victories facing adoptive couples. Russell and his wife, Jammie, invite you to share in their inspiring and heartwarming journey.

Why do we do it? Why do we keep our adoptions open?

Open adoption simply means that there is some sort of contact between children and their biological parents after the adoption takes place. In the past, it was unheard of. Then around the 1970’s there began to be a change in the winds. Adopted children wanted to know their biological roots and biological parents wanted to know how the child they placed for adoption has turned out.

With the demand for change came new laws and regulations with the state and nation. Records that were previously sealed up were being reopened. Sometimes those records resulted in a reconnection of biological families- sometimes not. Sometimes those reunions were happy and joyous occasions- sometimes not.

Either way, there was a tendency for adopted children to feel like they had been abandoned. Lifelong questions about their history were being answered. That’s why we do it! Well, that’s not the only reason, but it’s a big one. Adoption laws are not only different now, but it’s the norm for adoptions to be open. About 95% of adoptions now are open with 55% of those having regular and direct contact between adopted children and their biological family.

My children are going to grow up knowing who they are and where they came from. Adoption is not a topic we shy away from. If I had a megaphone that could shout to the whole world, I would tell every listening ear how much I love adoption and what my children’s birth parents mean to me. My children will grow up knowing their biological parents and will be well versed in their own history. They’re still pretty young now, but when the time comes, we’ll hand those reigns over to them. They’ll be able to decide for themselves how much or how little they want to have their biological families in their lives. Right now it’s still up to us. Right now my wife and I are working toward having the road between their adoptive family and biological family paved as smoothly as possible.

We love getting together. I love seeing my little girl bouncing on the knee of her biological father. I love seeing my son blowing and popping bubbles with his birth mother. What joy it brings to my heart to be able to share these experiences with them.

Open Adoption, Open Heart is our story. It’s not a “how to” book meant only for people who are considering adoption. It tells our story, in all the detail of emotion and trials as well as the miraculous and beautiful. It’s a story about building relationships in a way that can come by no other means. It’s a story about learning to love in an entire new way. Hooray for adoption!

About the Author: Russell Elkins

Russell was born on Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C.,
in the fall of 1977. Along with his five siblings, he and his military
family moved around a lot, living in eight different houses by the
time he left for college at age 17. Although his family moved
away from Fallon, Nevada, just a few months after he moved out,
he still considers that little oasis in the desert to be his childhood

Even after leaving home, Russell always stayed close to his
family. He shared an apartment with each of his three brothers
at different times during his college career. They formed a band
together back in the 1990s and still perform on a regular basis
under the name of the Invisible Swordsmen.

After nearly a decade of college and changing his major a few
times, Russell received his bachelor's degree in sociology from
Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. He later graduated from
Ameritech College where he learned the trade of being a dental
lab technician. Russell now owns and operates Elkins Dental Lab
located in Meridian, Idaho.

08 noviembre 2012

Cover Reveal: Walking Disaster- Jamie McGuire

Quiero gritar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Que emocion, por fin tenemos la portada de Walking Disaster y yo solamente me muero por tenerlo en mis manitossssss :D :D :D
Asi que con todo el honor que el mundo blogger y Simon & Schuster me otorga (y a mucho mas) les presento la portada de Walking Disaster:


Abril 16 de 2013 (Maldita sea es mucho Tiempo)

Beautiful Disaster desde el punto de vista de Travis.
Cuanto es demasiado para amar?
Travis Maddox aprendio dos cosas distintas de su madre antes de que muriera: Ama Fuerte. Pelea Fuerte.
En Walking Disaster, la vida de Travis esta llena de mujeres rapidas, juegos subterraneos y violencia. Justo cuando cree que es invencible, Abby Abernathi lo hace ponerse de rodillas.
Cada historia tiene dos puntos de vista. En Beatiful Disaster, Abby conto la suya. Ahora es momento para ver la historia a través de los ojos de Travis.

En este momento la silla donde estoy, esta apunto de partirse!!http://www.reactiongifs.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/excited6.gif

03 noviembre 2012

Nuevo! Nuevo!: Love & Skate—Lila Felix + Teaser

Asi que... Hola de nuevo Mundo Blogger! Por fin una entrada en tanto tiempo, sin afan y sin contratiempos. Hoy les traigo un nuevo libro que me ha llamado mucho la atencion por su hermosa portada, y me gustaria comprtirlo con ustedes. Aun no hay sinopsis oficial o fecha de publicacion pero mientras tanto podemos disfrutar de un Teaser que nos ha regalado la autora y por supuesto la portada!! :) Digamos que esta seccion (por hoy, Seccion posiblemente sujeta a cambios, se llame New For The World)

 Patinaba detras del equipo y casi habia logrado llegar al final cuando un cuerpo me golpeo por detras impulsandome contra alguien mas. Entonces, en vez de recuperar inmediatamente, agache mi cabeza porque de la nada mi equipo estaba encima de la culpable antes de que puediera escapar. La pelea no duro mucho y nadie quiso meterse en problemas por lo que se disolvio con bastante rapidez.
   "Estas bien?" Dijo una muy masculina voz baja y el sonido zumbaba en mi cara, lo que significaba...
   "Oh, lo siento," dije mientras me apresuraba a alejar mi cara de su pecho.
   "Estas bien?" repetio.
   "Mira, yo..." era el, el chico de la goma. Me habian golpeado en la derecha hacia el pecho del chico con el que habia fantaseado toda una maldita semana. Cuales eran las posibilidades?
   "Maldita sea Owen, parece como si un algodos de azucar acabara de caer en su regazo. 
No dijo que mi cabello lucia como un algodon de azucar.
 Le di mi mas humilde mirada. "Una verdaderamente original, bolsa de Ducha."
Libros de la Autora: (Cliquea las imagenes para ir a Goodreads ;)